Dynamic Hierarchical Bandwidth Reservations for Switched Ethernet
Ref: CISTER-TR-181004 Publication Date: 5, May, 2018
Dynamic Hierarchical Bandwidth Reservations for Switched Ethernet
Ref: CISTER-TR-181004 Publication Date: 5, May, 2018Abstract:
Meeting system wide timeliness requirements within Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) is a challenging
task due to their typically complex networking infrastructure among other factors. Current
communication technologies do not overcome this challenge, particularly when allowing adaptation
of the system for efficient bandwidth usage. A component-based design approach can help
coping with the network complexity by allowing composition of complex applications through the
integration of independently developed adaptive components while maintaining their individual
properties. In this context, network reservations are an important design element that favors composability
in the time domain with online adaptation by providing temporal isolation. Based on
these principles, we propose in this work a framework for supporting composability in Ethernet
networks using ordinary COTS switches and the FTT-SE protocol. We dedicate particular attention
to the worst-case response time analysis of messages transmitted within reservations. This
analysis is a key element for guaranteed timeliness in an adaptive framework.
In the first part of our work, we develop a new worst-case network delay analysis for sporadic
reservations associated with asynchronous messages, which we call flat reservations, and assess
its efficiency through extensive simulation. Our results show that our analysis is accurate, with an
exact match for a significant percentage of messages in the message sets (up to 60% on average).
Moreover, we were able to identify the regions in the system configuration where our analysis is
accurate, thus providing a system designer with an indication of confidence in our analysis.
When multiple applications co-exist in the system, flat reservations are not adequate to provide
the desired level of isolation between different applications and to meet their timing requirements.
For this reason, we resort to the Hierarchical Scheduling Framework (HSF), an important
technique to achieve composability, particularly in the time domain as it allows reserving and partitioning
the resources in multiple levels. Hence, in the second part of our work, we implement
an HSF that enforces temporal properties of the partitions, using different reservation scheduling
policies, namely polling and sporadic servers. Our results highlight the strong partitioning
capabilities of our approach, with full temporal isolation across different hierarchical partitions.
Finally, in the third part of our work, we provide a novel method to generate server interfaces
that minimizes the servers bandwidth requirement. We validate the approach with extensive
simulations using random message sets and hierarchies.
PhD Thesis, FEUP.
Notes: Doctoral Program in Electrical and Computer Engineering Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Luís Miguel Pinho de Almeida, FEUP/CISTER Co-advisor: Prof. Dr. Moris Habib Yasi Behnam, MDH President: Prof. Doutor José Alfredo Ribeiro da Silva Matos, FEUP Referee: Prof. Doutor Giorgio C. Buttazzo, SSSUP Referee: Prof. Doutor Reinder J. Bril, TU/e Referee: Prof. Doutor Paulo Bacelar Reis Pedreiras, UA/IT Referee: Prof. Doutor Mário Jorge Rodrigues de Sousa, FEUP
Record Date: 22, Oct, 2018