Ricardo Severino (Publications)
Lecturer, Integrated PhD Researcher
Ricardo Severino received a Ph.D. (2015) in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Porto, Portugal. He also holds a B.Sc. (2004), a Licentiate (2006), and a M.Sc. (2008) degree in Electric and Computer Engineering from the Polytechnic Institute of Porto – School of Engineering, Portugal.
Ricardo joined the CISTER Research Centre in 2006 to design and implement a Cooperating Objects testbed with Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) and multiple UGVs. Since then, he has been working in the area of WSNs, namely in improving Quality-of-Service (QoS) for large-scale WSN infrastructures, mostly relying on COTS and standard technologies.
In this line, he actively participated in the ART-WiSe and Open-ZB research frameworks, and in several national and international projects related to WSNs, carrying out his M.Sc. and Ph.D. work in synergy with several of them (EMMON - FP7 JU on Embedded Monitoring, CONET - FP7 NoE on Cooperating Objects, SENODs). In 2009, his M.Sc. work was awarded with the EWSN'09 Best MSc Thesis Award at the prestigious European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN'09).
Ricardo has also been involved in multiple open-source projects, mostly related to the implementation of the IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee protocols, in particular within the Open-ZB project and in the context of the TinyOS15.4-WG and ZigBee-WG working groups, of which he is also a founding member.
He has several publications in reputed conferences (e.g. EWNS, MASS, RTCSA, ECRTS) and journals (e.g. Springer Telecomunication Systems/Communication Networks, IEEE TII) and has served as a reviewer for several conferences (e.g. EWSN, RTSS, IEEE ETFA, SUTC, VTC) and journals (e.g. ACM TOSN, Elsevier COMCOM, Journal of Green Engineering).
Harrison Kurunathan, Ricardo Severino, Anis Koubâa, Eduardo TovarACM Sigbed Review, ACM. Dec 2019, Volume 16, Issue 4, pp 8-13.Special Issue on International Workshop on Real-Time Networks (RTN 19).
Harrison Kurunathan, Ricardo Severino, Anis Koubâa, Eduardo TovarACM Sigbed Review, ACM. Dec 2019, Volume 16, Issue 4, pp 26-31.Special Issue on International Workshop on Real-Time Networks (RTN 19).
Kai Li, Wei Ni, Yousef Emami, Yiran Shen, Ricardo Severino, David Pereira, Eduardo TovarACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems, Article No 22, ACM. 22, Nov, 2019, Volume 4, Issue 2, pp 22:1-22:20.
Harrison Kurunathan, Ricardo Severino, Anis Koubâa, Eduardo TovarIEEE Access, IEEE. 2019, Volume 7, pp 122522-122535.
Bruno Vieira, Enio Filho, Ricardo Severino, Anis Koubâa, Eduardo Tovar8th IEEE International Conference on Connected Vehicles and Expo (ICCVE 2019). 4 to 8, Nov, 2019. Graz, Austria.
Harrison Kurunathan, Ricardo Severino, Anis Koubâa, Eduardo Tovar17th International Workshop on Real-Time Networks (RTN 2019). 9, Jul, 2019. Stuttgart, Germany.RTN 2019 is a satellite workshop of ECRTS 2019.
Harrison Kurunathan, Ricardo Severino, Anis Koubâa, Eduardo Tovar17th International Workshop on Real-Time Networks (RTN 2019). 9, Jul, 2019. Stuttgart, Germany.RTN 2019 is a satellite workshop of ECRTS 2019.
https://www.ecrts.org/archives/fileadmin/WebsitesArchiv/ecrts2019/wp- content/uploads/2019/06/RTN2019_PrePrints.pdf
Bruno Vieira, Ricardo Severino, Anis Koubâa, Eduardo TovarDemo in 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Real-Time Computing (ISORC 2019). 7 to 9, May, 2019. Valencia.
Harrison Kurunathan, Ricardo Severino, Anis Koubâa, Eduardo TovarPoster presented in 3rd Doctoral Congress in Engineering (DCE 2019). 27 to 28, Jun, 2019. Porto, Portugal.Best oral communication Award (in ex aequo)