Rafael Rocha (Publications)
MSc Student
Rafael Rocha was born in 1997, in Porto, Portugal.
In 2017, he received his degree in Computer Engineering after graduating from the School of Engineering of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto (ISEP).
Currently, he is studying for a Master's degree in Software Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP).
Rafael joined the CISTER Research Centre in February 2017 and is presently collaborating on the Mantis project.
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Evaluating and Improving the Performance of the Arrowhead Framework CISTER-TR-190709
Rafael RochaMaster Thesis. 15, Jul, 2019. Porto.Presidente do Júri: Nuno Flores (FEUP) Arguentes: Ricardo Severino (CISTER/ISEP) e Pedro Souto (CISTER/FEUP)
Rafael RochaMaster Thesis. 15, Jul, 2019. Porto.Presidente do Júri: Nuno Flores (FEUP) Arguentes: Ricardo Severino (CISTER/ISEP) e Pedro Souto (CISTER/FEUP)
Reengineering and development of IoT Systems for Home Automation CISTER-TR-171204
Rafael RochaBEng Thesis. 9, Nov, 2017. Porto.
Rafael RochaBEng Thesis. 9, Nov, 2017. Porto.
Books & Book Chapters
Success stories on real pilots CISTER-TR-181129
Rafael Socorro, María Aguirregabiria, Alp Akçay, Michele Albano, Mikel Anasagasti, Mauro Barbieri, Iban Barrutia, Ansgar Bergmann, Marcel Boosten, Rui Casais, Paolo Ciancarini, Paulien Dam, Karel De Brabandere, Giovanni di Orio, Karel Eerland, Xabier Eguiluz, Salvatore Esposito, Catarina Félix, Hugo Ferreira, Attila Frankó, Iosu Gabilondo, Raquel García, Jeroen Gijsbers, Csaba Hegedus, Silvia Hernández, Mike Holenderski, Erkki Jantunen, Matti Kaija, Aleš Kancilija, Felix Larrinaga, Luis Lino Ferreira, Pedro Maló, Goreti Marreiros, Eva Martínez, Diogo Martinho, Asif Mohammed, Istvan Moldovan, Antti Niemela, Jon Olaizola, Gregor Papa, Spela Poklukar, Isabel Praça, Stefano Primi, Verus Pronk, Ville Rauhala, Mario Riccardi, Rafael Rocha, Ricardo Romero, Antonio Ruggieri, Eduardo Saiz, Veli-Pekka Salo, Mónica Sánchez, Paolo Sannino, Babacar Sarr, Alberto Sillitti, Carlos Soares, Hans Sprong, Bas Tijsma, Tom Tourwé, Nayra Uranga, Juha Valtonen, Jaap van der Voet, Pal Varga, Alejandro Veiga, Mikel Viguera, Godfried Webers, Kees Wouters, Achim WoyteChapter in "The MANTIS book: Cyber Physical System Based Proactive Collaborative Maintenance", River Publishers. Jan 2019, pp 311-496.Chapter 7
Rafael Socorro, María Aguirregabiria, Alp Akçay, Michele Albano, Mikel Anasagasti, Mauro Barbieri, Iban Barrutia, Ansgar Bergmann, Marcel Boosten, Rui Casais, Paolo Ciancarini, Paulien Dam, Karel De Brabandere, Giovanni di Orio, Karel Eerland, Xabier Eguiluz, Salvatore Esposito, Catarina Félix, Hugo Ferreira, Attila Frankó, Iosu Gabilondo, Raquel García, Jeroen Gijsbers, Csaba Hegedus, Silvia Hernández, Mike Holenderski, Erkki Jantunen, Matti Kaija, Aleš Kancilija, Felix Larrinaga, Luis Lino Ferreira, Pedro Maló, Goreti Marreiros, Eva Martínez, Diogo Martinho, Asif Mohammed, Istvan Moldovan, Antti Niemela, Jon Olaizola, Gregor Papa, Spela Poklukar, Isabel Praça, Stefano Primi, Verus Pronk, Ville Rauhala, Mario Riccardi, Rafael Rocha, Ricardo Romero, Antonio Ruggieri, Eduardo Saiz, Veli-Pekka Salo, Mónica Sánchez, Paolo Sannino, Babacar Sarr, Alberto Sillitti, Carlos Soares, Hans Sprong, Bas Tijsma, Tom Tourwé, Nayra Uranga, Juha Valtonen, Jaap van der Voet, Pal Varga, Alejandro Veiga, Mikel Viguera, Godfried Webers, Kees Wouters, Achim WoyteChapter in "The MANTIS book: Cyber Physical System Based Proactive Collaborative Maintenance", River Publishers. Jan 2019, pp 311-496.Chapter 7
Conference or Workshop Papers/Talks
Improving and modelling the performance of a Publish-Subscribe message broker CISTER-TR-190708
Rafael Rocha, Cláudio Maia, Luis Lino Ferreira, Pal Varga45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2019). 14 to 17, Oct, 2019, SS IoT automation technologies and applications, pp 5493-5498. Lisboa, Portugal.
Rafael Rocha, Cláudio Maia, Luis Lino Ferreira, Pal Varga45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2019). 14 to 17, Oct, 2019, SS IoT automation technologies and applications, pp 5493-5498. Lisboa, Portugal.
Current advancements on maintenance for household appliances CISTER-TR-180801
Luis Lino Ferreira, Michele Albano, Rafael Rocha, Miguel Costa, Ana Machado Silva, Marlos Silva, Luísa Matos, Jorge Afonso LandeckINForum 2018 - Simpósio de Informática (INForum 2018). 3 to 4, Sep, 2018, Real-Time and Embedded Systems. Coimbra, Portugal.
Luis Lino Ferreira, Michele Albano, Rafael Rocha, Miguel Costa, Ana Machado Silva, Marlos Silva, Luísa Matos, Jorge Afonso LandeckINForum 2018 - Simpósio de Informática (INForum 2018). 3 to 4, Sep, 2018, Real-Time and Embedded Systems. Coimbra, Portugal.
The Arrowhead Framework applied to Energy Management CISTER-TR-180403
Rafael Rocha, Michele Albano, Luis Lino Ferreira, Flávio Relvas, Luisa Matos14th IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS 2018). 13 to 15, Jun, 2018. Imperia, Italy.
Rafael Rocha, Michele Albano, Luis Lino Ferreira, Flávio Relvas, Luisa Matos14th IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS 2018). 13 to 15, Jun, 2018. Imperia, Italy.
Conference or Workshop Posters/Demos
Improving the performance of a Publish-Subscribe message broker CISTER-TR-190403
Rafael Rocha, Cláudio Maia, Luis Lino Ferreira, Pedro Souto, Pal VargaDemo in 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Real-Time Computing (ISORC 2019). 7 to 9, May, 2019. Valencia.
Rafael Rocha, Cláudio Maia, Luis Lino Ferreira, Pedro Souto, Pal VargaDemo in 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Real-Time Computing (ISORC 2019). 7 to 9, May, 2019. Valencia.