Paulo Gandra de Sousa
Research Centre Adjunct Director
Professor, Collaborator PhD Researcher
Paulo Gandra de Sousa is a Professor of Informatics at Instituto Politécnico do Porto (Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal) - ISEP/IPP since 1996. He graduated in 1995 from ISEP-IPP; in 1998, he concluded a post-graduation on "Distributed Systems, Computer Architectures and Computer Communications" at Universidade do Minho (University of Minho, Portugal), and achieved his PhD in 2002 (also from Universidade do Minho). He worked for 3 years as an application developer for a Portuguese software house in the field of electronic archive, database retrievals and component development. Prior to IPP-HURRAY! he was a member of the R&D Group on Knowledge Engineering and Decision Support (GECAD, ISEP/IPP) and the technical contact point for the ISEP/IPP node of AgentLink – European Network of Excellence in Agent Based computing. He is one of the founders of the Portuguese chapter of the International Association of Software Architects (IASA). His main research interests are Distributed (Intelligent) Systems, Large Scale Systems, and Enterprise Application Architectures.
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