Mitra Nasri
9-13 May 2016, 6-24 Jun 2016, 15-19 May 2017, 19-23 Jun 2017, 18-26 Sep, 2017, 13-17 Nov, 2017, 28 Mar-27 Apr, 2018
Mitra Nasri is a post-doc at Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI-SWS) and holder of a fellowship from Alexander von Humboldt foundation. She works on real-time scheduling and schedulability analysis, non-preemptive and limited preemptive scheduling, algorithm design, real-time control systems, and parameter assignment and optimization problems. Before being a part of MPI-SWS, she was a post-doc at the Chair of Real-Time Systems in Technische Universität Kaiserslautern.
She received her Ph.D. degree with the excellent grade in January 2015 on the topic “Analyzing and improving quality of service of real-time embedded systems in dynamic environments” from the University of Tehran (Iran). During her Ph.D., she was a visiting researcher in Technische Universität Kaiserslautern for 8 months with the support of a scholarship from DAAD. She earned her master degree in 2008 from the Department of Computer Engineering at the Iran University of Science and Technology (Tehran), with the highest cumulative GPA in the program. She got her bachelor degree in 2005 from the same university.