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The return of a past member, and other CISTER graduates moving on

6, Oct, 2016

We warmly welcome Gurulingesh Raravi back to CISTER as a new Research Associate.

Before joining the Centre, Gurulingesh worked at Xerox Research Centre India for two years focusing on designing solutions for smart mobility and retail systems and for service delivery organizations. In 2014, he received his PhD with the highest honors from University of Porto for his work on "Real-Time Scheduling on Heterogeneous Multiprocessors", under the supervision of CISTER researcher Vincent Nélis. Gurulingesh’s research interests are mainly in the automotive and telecommunications domains.

Other CISTER PhD graduates have also found new positions. Congratulations to Artem Burmyakov, who has joined the Seoul National University as a Postdoctoral Associate; Dakshina Dasari, who has joined Bosch Germany; and Claro Noda, who has joined Mid Sweden university as a Postdoc Researcher. We wish them success in their new career.