CISTER is a partner of the recently approved
KhronoSim project, in the framework of
Portugal 2020 Program, that kicked-off this September 30th, in Coimbra.
KhronoSim aims at developing a platform for testing cyber-physical systems in closed-loop, that is modular, extensible and usable in multiple application domains. Featuring hard-real-time control, enabling the integration of simulation models to build a closed loop test environment and allowing the use of physical and virtual systems alike. This is essential to study the implications of complex systems working tightly coupled, with little or no human intervention. In these systems, testing components individually, one-by-one, is not sufficient to assert the correct functioning of the overall system.
The two year project is led by Critical Software and includes CISTER and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the University of Coimbra (DEEC-UC). CISTER's role will be in the embedded real-time domain, in particular the challenges of testing and simulating multicore platforms.