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High participation of CISTER in FCT calls for R&D projects

2, Apr, 2015

CISTER has successfully participated in the submission of eleven R&D project proposals for the recent FCT calls; a great achievement with credits to all CISTER members. Altogether, the proposals require hiring 43 new researchers, including 3 BCC, 2 post-doc, 24 PhD students, and 12 master students, for a total effort of 1008 PMs and a requested budget of about 1.9 M Euros. The main supporting companies include PT Portugal, Kalray, ATOS, Airbus Defense & Space, EMBRAER, GMV Portugal, Critical Software, and EDISOFT Portuguese Aerospace Industry Association (PEMAS). Technically, the proposals cover various CPS-related topics including, cloud computing, parallel computing, networks, runtime monitoring and verification, message and service-oriented middlewares, timing analysis (static and probabilistic), security, cooperative applications, and energy management.