Invited seminar in one of the leading research labs in Europe
16, Jan, 2015
CISTER Researcher Konstantinos Bletsas had the honor to present 3 seminars at one of the leading labs in the area, the ReTis Lab, in Pisa (04-06/11/2014), by invitation from Prof. Buttazzo, two on semi-partitioned multiprocessor scheduling and one on WCET analysis for GPUs . These seminars counted towards the course requirements of PhD research students.
The first two seminars were on semi-partitioned multiprocessor scheduling (respectively, the families of slot-based and timed-migration-based algorithms). The last seminar covered approaches for the WCET analysis for GPUs (including the work done by CISTER PHD student Kos Berezovskyi).
Besides the great hospitality, as part of this visit, Konstantinos had interesting discussions and interactions with the lab members for the purpose of identifying topics for potential collaboration. Seminal ideas that can foster follow up joint research were discussed and concrete proposals might sparkle out of those.