1st Intl Workshop on Real-time LANs in the Internet Age
18, Jun, 2002
TU Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Homepage: http://www.hurray.isep.ipp.pt/rtlia2002/Outside Link
Sponsors: EUROMICRO TC-RTSOutside Link
Deadline: 5, May, 2002

The goal of this workshop is to bring together people from industry and academia that are interested in all aspects of using commodity LAN technologies to support real-time and dependable applications in the Internet Era. The workshop will provide a relaxed forum to present and discuss new ideas, new research directions and to review current trends in this area. The workshop will be based on short presentations that should encourage discussion by the attendees.

CISTER's organization roles:
Eduardo Tovar
Program Chair, Organization, Participant
Luis Miguel Pinho
Session Chair, Organization, Participant

CISTER's main roles:
Berta Batista
Rapporteur, Participant