Time-Triggered Co-Scheduling of Computation and Communication with Jitter Requirements
Ref: CISTER-TR-181123 Publication Date: 2, Oct, 2017
Time-Triggered Co-Scheduling of Computation and Communication with Jitter Requirements
Ref: CISTER-TR-181123 Publication Date: 2, Oct, 2017Abstract:
The complexity of embedded application design is increasing with growing user demands. In particular, automotive embedded systems are highly complex in nature, and their functionality is realized by a set of periodic tasks. These tasks may have hard real-time requirements and communicate over an interconnect. The problem is to efficiently co-schedule task execution on cores and message transmission on the interconnect so that timing constraints are satisfied. Contemporary works typically deal with zero-jitter scheduling, which results in lower resource utilization, but has lower memory requirements. This article focuses on jitter-constrained scheduling that puts constraints on the tasks jitter, increasing schedulability over zero- jitter scheduling. The contributions of this article are: 1) Integer Linear Programming and Satisfiability Modulo Theory model exploiting problem-specific information to reduce the formulations complexity to schedule small applications. 2) A heuristic approach, employing three levels of scheduling scaling to real-world use-cases with 10000 tasks and messages. 3) An experimental evaluation of the proposed approaches on a case-study and on synthetic data sets showing the efficiency of both zero-jitter and jitter- constrained scheduling. It shows that up to 28% higher resource utilization can be achieved by having up to 10 times longer computation time with relaxed jitter requirements.
Record Date: 14, Nov, 2018