The DEAR-COTS Replication Framework
Ref: HURRAY-TR-0113 Publication Date: 13, Jun, 2001
The DEAR-COTS Replication Framework
Ref: HURRAY-TR-0113 Publication Date: 13, Jun, 2001Abstract:
The DEAR-COTS (Distributed Embedded ARchitecture using Commercial
Off-The-Shelf components) architecture has been proposed as an architecture
for real-time and reliable Distributed Computer-Controlled Systems using
COTS components. To ease the task of building reliable real-time
applications on top of COTS components, a simple and transparent programming
model is provided, in order that programmers abstract from the low-level
implementation details of distribution and replication issues. These issues
are only dealt with in a later configuration phase, where the system is
configured and distributed over the DEAR-COTS nodes. This paper presents the
proposed programming framework, and demonstrates how it can be used to
support the transparent replication of software components.
13th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems, Work-In-Progress Session, pp 17-20.
Delft, Netherlands.
Record Date: 1, Apr, 2001