Real-time Limited Preemptive Scheduling
Ref: CISTER-TR-150609 Publication Date: 24, Apr, 2015
Real-time Limited Preemptive Scheduling
Ref: CISTER-TR-150609 Publication Date: 24, Apr, 2015Abstract:
Physical phenomenons, regardless of its degree of human intervention, from the more pristine to the more vain facets of some human made appliance, require controlling strategies
to achieve an intended set of properties or some performance level. The controllers’ implementation may range from the simpler mechanical or analog circuitry but more commonly
are embodied as a recurrent set of commands on some computational boolean logic device.
The dynamic properties of such physical phenomenons, paired with the designer intended
behaviour, impose restrictions on the maximum delay between an event and the desired actuation. Real-time systems strive to provide a framework where the considerations about
the overall system’s temporal feasibility are drawn. In a nutshell, real-time systems enable
guarantees on the temporal properties of the computational apparatus which are used in
such control loops. Any analysis used in the hard real-time framework should be proven
safe. This generally means that the outcome of any analysis states whether all the temporal properties can be guaranteed or that some cannot be trusted upon. The quantity of
pessimism involved in the analysis – which leads to an abundance of false negatives or to
an over-provisioning of resources – should be reduced as much as possible. Analysis’ pessimism can be thought of, in broad terms, as an artefact of the lack of information necessary
to accurately characterize the worst-case temporal behaviour of each application. The pessimism can only be mitigated by employing mechanisms where more abundant information
about the worst-case run-time behaviour is available. These mechanism should nevertheless
have a better or comparable performance to the ones with reduced certainties.
In this thesis both scheduling algorithms and accompanying analysis tools are provided
which, by enhancing the available information about what might happen at run-time, allow
for a reduction on the level of pessimism associated with the analysis outcomes and bring
a better performance in the average case situation. An interesting aspect pertaining to realtime systems is the nature and implications associated with pre-emption. A pre-emption
occurs when an application is swapped for another in the execution platform to which it
eventually returns. Besides from the time the pre-empting application prevents the preempted one from executing, some shared resources are accessed by the former which will
potentially interfere with the remaining execution of the latter. The nature of the interference
occurring at such resources as the caches or dynamic branch predictors just to name a few
is highly complex to analyse and generally a single and oftenly quite isolated worst-case
quantity is assumed in the state-of-the-art real-time analysis.
The quantification of the worst-case penalty associated to pre-emptions and the bounding their frequency of occurrence constitutes the bulk of this thesis’ contribution. Both
scheduling algorithms as well as analysis are provided that both decrease the worst-case
number of pre-emptions and also diminish the penalty considered per instance of this event.
PhD Thesis, Universidade do Porto.
Record Date: 30, Jun, 2015