
Practical Aspects of Slot-Based Task-Splitting Dispatching in its Schedulability Analysis
Ref: HURRAY-TR-110404       Publication Date: 28 to 31, Aug, 2011

Practical Aspects of Slot-Based Task-Splitting Dispatching in its Schedulability Analysis

Ref: HURRAY-TR-110404       Publication Date: 28 to 31, Aug, 2011

Consider the problem of scheduling a set of sporadic tasks on a multiprocessor system to meet deadlines using a tasksplitting scheduling algorithm. Task-splitting (also called semi-partitioning) scheduling algorithms assign most tasks to just one processor but a few tasks are assigned to two or more processors, and they are dispatched in a way that ensures that a task never executes on two or more processors simultaneously. A certain type of task-splitting algorithms, called slot-based task-splitting, is of particular interest because of its ability to schedule tasks at high processor utilizations. We present a new schedulability analysis for slot-based task-splitting scheduling algorithms that takes the overhead into account and also a new task assignment algorithm.

Paulo Baltarejo Sousa
Konstantinos Bletsas
Björn Andersson
Eduardo Tovar

17th International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA 2011), IEEE, 1, pp 224-230.
Toyama, Japan.


Record Date: 15, Apr, 2011