Exact Admission-Control for Integrated Aperiodic and Periodic Tasks
Ref: HURRAY-TR-050302 Publication Date: 7 to 10, Mar, 2005
Exact Admission-Control for Integrated Aperiodic and Periodic Tasks
Ref: HURRAY-TR-050302 Publication Date: 7 to 10, Mar, 2005Abstract:
Admission controllers are used to prevent overload in systems with dynamically arriving tasks. Typically, these admission controllers are based on suficient (but not necessary) capacity bounds in order to maintain a low computational complexity. In this paper we present how exact admission-control for aperiodic tasks can be efeciently obtained. Our first result is an admission controller for purely aperiodic task sets where the test has the same runtime complexity as utilization-based tests. Our second result is an extension of the previous controller for a baseload of periodic tasks. The runtime complexity of this test is lower than for any known exact admission-controller. In addition to presenting our main algorithm and evaluating its performance, we also discuss some general issues concerning admission controllers and their implementation.
11th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS 2005), IEEE, pp 76-85.
Record Date: 1, Jan, 2006
Journal of Computer and System Sciences