Engineering Real-Time Applications with WorldFIP: analysis and tools
Ref: HURRAY-TR-9912 Publication Date: 13, Sep, 2000
Engineering Real-Time Applications with WorldFIP: analysis and tools
Ref: HURRAY-TR-9912 Publication Date: 13, Sep, 2000Abstract:
The WorldFIP protocol is based on a centralised medium access control mechanism, where a specific station, the bus arbitrator (BA), controls all data transfers between different stations. At configuration time, the BA is given a list of process variables to scan along with their corresponding periods. This piece of information is known as the bus arbitrator table. In this paper we provide a comprehensive study on how to configure a WorldFIP bus arbitrator table (BAT), in order to guarantee that periodic data transfers are performed before their deadlines. The main contributions of this paper are the provision of both an algorithmic approach for setting the WorldFIP BAT (using RM and EDF) and a feasibility test to check a priori the timeliness requirements of the periodic data transfers.
4th IFAC International Symposium on Intelligent Components and Instruments for Control Applications (SICICA'2000), Pergamon, pp 297-302.
Buenos Aires.
Record Date: 1, Apr, 1999