Conservative Open-page Policy for Mixed Time-Criticality Memory Controllers
Ref: CISTER-TR-130104 Publication Date: 18 to 22, Mar, 2013
Conservative Open-page Policy for Mixed Time-Criticality Memory Controllers
Ref: CISTER-TR-130104 Publication Date: 18 to 22, Mar, 2013Abstract:
Complex Systems-on-Chips (SoC) are mixed time-criticality
systems that have to support firm real-time (FRT) and
soft real-time (SRT) applications running in parallel. This is challenging
for critical SoC components, such as memory controllers.
Existing memory controllers focus on either firm real-time or soft
real-time applications. FRT controllers use a close-page policy
that maximizes worst-case performance and ignore opportunities
to exploit locality, since it cannot be guaranteed. Conversely,
SRT controllers try to reduce latency and consequently processor
stalling by speculating on locality. They often use an open-page
policy that sacrifices guaranteed performance, but is beneficial
in the average case.
This paper proposes a conservative open-page policy that
improves average-case performance of a FRT controller in
terms of bandwidth and latency without sacrificing real-time
guarantees. As a result, the memory controller efficiently handles
both FRT and SRT applications. The policy keeps pages open
as long as possible without sacrificing guarantees and captures
locality in this window. Experimental results show that on average
70% of the locality is captured for applications in the CHStone
benchmark, reducing the execution time by 17% compared to a
close-page policy. The effectiveness of the policy is also evaluated
in a multi-application use-case, and we show that the overall
average-case performance improves if there is at least one FRT
or SRT application that exploits locality.
Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE 2013), IEEE, pp 525-530.
Grenoble, France.
Record Date: 15, Jan, 2013